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Most Wanted Surnames of Wilkes County

most wanted poster icon

If you have any surnames to add to this page, be sure to email them to me.
NOTE: Except in rare cases, I will only include surnames.
NOTE: When you email, include the county in the list of surnames!
NOTE: If you don't include an email address for people to email you at,
I will assume it's the same you used to email me so be sure to include
it if you want email regarding your surnames sent somewhere else.

Researchers:Surnames Searching For:
Joyce House-ReevesBoon
Mary Thompson SabanBrown
Joyce House-ReevesCampbell
Joyce House-ReevesCouch
Erin BradfordDay
Erin BradfordDick
Erin BradfordEller
B. DownsHill
Mary JordanKeaton or Keeton
Erin BradfordMcNeill (and variations)
Mary Thompson SabanOwens
Erin BradfordRash
Erin BradfordShepherd/Sheppard
Yvonne NormanSoots
Mary Thompson SabanTompkins

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