Marriage and death notices in the Concord Weekly Gazette - February 1885
February issues of the Concord Weekly Gazette in publication from 1854-1857 include marriage and death notices that mention locals. Note: I have added capitalization of names of bride, groom, or deceased person, but otherwise these are verbatim transcripts.
Saturday, February 24, 1855
Note: I have added capitalization of names of bride, groom, or deceased person, but otherwise these are verbatim transcripts.
Marriage Notices:
- In this county on the 13th ins. by Daniel Bradshaw, Esq., MR. ALLISON BLACKWELDER to Miss LYDIA BOSTIAN
- In this town on Wednesday evening last, by Rev. P.F. Kestler, MR. JOHN PARNELL to Miss SARAH NIELSER
- DIED in this County on the 15th instant MRS. MARGARET LONG, in the 62d year of her age. The subject of this notice has been in feeble health for several months, but the disease that terminated her earthly pilgrimage was Pneumonia. In the death of Mrs. Long her family has sustained a loss that cannot be repaired. The sick and afflicted in the community where she resides has lost a sympathizing friend. Her visits, for several years have chiefly been confined to the hourses of affliction and the beds of suffering. Her heart was ever ready to feel--and her hand opened to feed the distressed.-- In her last sickness she expressed entire resignation to the will of the Great Dispenser of al events. She had a strong desire to live for the sake of herr children, to whom she was bound by the warmest and tenderest ties of motherly affection.
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